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7 Iik


We think of a recipe as static, a formula that renders a result. If you modify the formula, you will not get the same result. But in fact it is dynamic, you can follow the apparently same recipe with a different order, proportions; you can make adjustments, additions, and you will get the same result, just with a much better (or worse) taste.  We can take this metaphor to absolutely everything in life, as I like to teach, cooking, the kitchen, is the mother of all the arts.

Magic, wizardry, shamanism and spirituality, also follow the principle of recipes. Love and relationships, health and routine. If you approach them from a static a plus b equals c worldview, then you are limiting yourself greatly, you are a bad cook. The gentle touch of a minimal adjustment as described by this trecena's 5 ajpuu, the time and pressure, mood and situation described by the 6 Imox, they all play part in the final taste. If something is not working for you, then there is something in your recipe that you are overlooking, or not understanding how it works.

I learnt yesterday for example that we do things without thinking in a religious manner as if that were a good thing. I was putting ribs in an oven, and had pre-heated the oven, as you religiously are taught by recipes. Mistakenly before I had put the ribs inside and then turned on the oven. It turns out, for the ribs, it's a better thing, as heating slowly will allow the sauces to seep into the meat and bones. If the oven is already hot, there is a heat shock that closes the pores and the result can be tasted. Nobody every told me this, and it's an example of how in everything in life, I would be far from were I am if I were following other's recipes by the book.

This reminds me of how the circle of medicine needs to be a dynamic thing, like the dance, we are constantly moving, shifting, and no fixed recipe will ever work to perfection. We need to focus on the learning and the making, rather than the method and the steps. It doesn't matter if my ribs were not as tasty this time, because now I know why. Now I have the empirical know how to make them tastier for the times to come.


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