The freedom of not knowing. As young people, we find great joy in exploring on our own, without knowing, without carrying the weight of experience and knowledge. Seen from a mature perspective, it seems stupid and useless, a waste of time. But the time comes when we, as very mature people, choose to also take our attention away from many things, in order to lighten our existence and have more fun.
The energy of ecstasy, intoxication and youth catches us today, and reminds us of its importance. At the same time, it reminds us to walk the line. On the line there is bread, there is gain. We must not ignore or procrastinate what needs to be done, but neither should we sink into doing our duty and move away from doing what we enjoy, and doing things in a fun way. When we walk the line, we can create and feed the world. The two extremes can be equally unproductive, sobriety and intoxication, youth and old age.

The freedom of not knowing. As young people, we find great joy in exploring on our own, without knowing, without carrying the weight of experience and knowledge. Seen from a mature perspective, it seems stupid and useless, a waste of time. But the time comes when we, as very mature people, choose to also take our attention away from many things, in order to lighten our existence and have more fun.
The energy of ecstasy, intoxication and youth catches us today, and reminds us of its importance. At the same time, it reminds us to walk the line. On the line there is bread, there is gain. We must not ignore or procrastinate what needs to be done, but neither should we sink into doing our duty and move away from doing what we enjoy, and doing things in a fun way. When we walk the line, we can create and feed the world. The two extremes can be equally unproductive, sobriety and intoxication, youth and old age.