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2 K'at

Elfish friend

If you don't have one you need one. A fun mischievous friend that doesn't fit in, that is weird, different, willing to go against the rules, available for you. Maybe we all need to be like that, create a new allegiance with each other, be willing to go against the rules, not fit in, and do what's best for our loved ones, not for society, the system or simply "others". Most suffering I see in others comes from trying to fit in. Declaring yourself different is liberating, but beware of the traps. The system has created a myriad of archetypes (and even diagnosis) for being different. Being that is not being different, being that is getting caught again by the same trap. You are uniquely different. There is no sign, no archetype to fit you in. Today invites us beautifully to divorce from existing catalogues of being, names you call yourself, names you call others. Remember that we trap others as much as we trap ourselves. Think before you give someone an adjective, as much as it may fit them, it's in your power to change that, to change them, just by not calling them that.

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