Maya Toltec Calendar, Astrology and Cosmology Course
- Descripción
- Currículum
- Reseñas
- Have a deep understanding of your destiny, energy, powers and weaknesses, and read that of others.
- Become a daykeeper in the sacred Chol Qu’ij count, also known as tonalpowalli and tzolkin, in its original native version.
- Understand affinities between people and facilitate relationships between them.
- Elaborate different calendars and counts that you can keep and follow yourself.
- Understand daily energies and how to harmonize your life with them.
- Know the history and geography of the Mayas and Toltecs.
- Understand inconography, writing, astrology and mathematics of the Maya and toltecs.
Maya cosmology is the science that agglomerates the cosmological, astronomical, religious, scientific, cultural and artistic knowledge of the ancient and modern Mayas. Today, avantgarde theories and discoveries in quantum physics are more similar to Maya cosmology, than to the orthodox science still taught in schools. Many of the philosophical, scientific and cultural values of supposedly “modern” society are obsolete, and that’s why it is convenient to teach and try to implement in our lives and research the science of one of the most advanced civilizations: the Maya. Unfortunately, this vast knowledge goes unseen by most, where a monopolizing global culture purposely underrates ancient native wisdom in an attempt to keep alive a knowledge system that is outdated, incomplete and unsustainable. Product of historic colonization, native wisdom has few if none institutions that can grant it academic credibility, therefore allowing many myths to filter into the mainstream media and fake native wisdom to be taught openly, blurring the credibility and transcendent potential this wisdom could have if applied today.
The main objective of this course is to offer the necessary tools and knowledge to make the participants Maya cosmologists and day-keepers. In the first part of the course, participants will be given a complete formation about Mayan culture. They will learn about geography of the Maya land, ethnography and history of ancient and modern Maya nations, the development of the 32 Mayan languages alive today, about their different calendar systems «one of the greatest modern myths is that there is only one Mayan calendar» their mathematics, writing and art. The second part of the course will focus in Maya cosmology, which is the core cultural knowledge that brings a scientific understanding of the structure of the universe; wisdom that brings answers to what occidental philosophy thinks are unanswered questions like: who are we? where do we come from? and what are we here to do? The later part of the course will emphasize in modern indigenous cosmological wisdom use and practice, also called Mayan priesthood. Participants will be given the tools and knowledge so they can practice most of the activities of modern day indigenous Mayan priests, which include divination, calendar day keeping, psychological interpretation of people according to their Mayan signs and understanding the principles to carry out Mayan ceremonies.
It is very important to mention that the cosmology and calendars taught in this course are the authentic native versions used by many indigenous nations and priests today. There are other different and non-authentic versions of the Mayan sacred calendar like the one created by José Arguelles known as “dreamspell”. This later one has been given more coverage and therefore is more known and widespread, but is one of the many examples of the indiscriminate usurpation and modification of native wisdom done with the sole purpose of personal benefit.
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31.1 Geography of the Maya Lands1 hour 26 minutes
Geographic overview of mesoamerica and the Maya lands that includes geology, ecosystems and modern political divisions.
41.2 Historiacal Evolution of Mesoamerica (1)1 Hour 57 Minutes
Session 1 of the 1.2 Module
51.3 Evolution of Mayan Languages27 minutes