Circulo de Medicina > trecena
Jun Kemee – Se Mihkistli
Death is as mysterious as it is familiar to us, or at least it should be. Take this journey with us to have more insight into what death has to teach us. La muerte es tan misteriosa como familiar para nosotros, o al menos debería serlo. Acompáñenos en este viaje para comprender mejor lo que […]
The Man will save you
Sure. We are at a time when we are reminded by the great mother. Our humanity almost spiritually extinct because of the great overculture shadow. They have erased the sacred mother from us, and put a false idol man as our saviour, with all the attached lithurgies that we blindly practice, even as atheists or […]
El valor de ser un héroe – Jun Ajpuu
Lectura del inicio de trecena de Jun Ajpuu, Se Xóchitl, el uno cerbatanero, uno sol, uno flor.