Sure. We are at a time when we are reminded by the great mother. Our humanity almost spiritually extinct because of the great overculture shadow. They have erased the sacred mother from us, and put a false idol man as our saviour, with all the attached lithurgies that we blindly practice, even as atheists or alternative spirituality practitioners.
And there it is, mother is gone, but father is too. This trecena is here for us to work and strengthen our masculine side, and to honour and heal masculinity. It's here to remind us that if we can be and/or find THE MAN we will push through this great shadow and find plenitude.
This was written in the beautiful shadow companion, the Two Jaguar, reading coming later in the forum. Take a peak at what's cooking for then coming days and weeks in this trecena's Vlog entry.
Sure. We are at a time when we are reminded by the great mother. Our humanity almost spiritually extinct because of the great overculture shadow. They have erased the sacred mother from us, and put a false idol man as our saviour, with all the attached lithurgies that we blindly practice, even as atheists or alternative spirituality practitioners.
And there it is, mother is gone, but father is too. This trecena is here for us to work and strengthen our masculine side, and to honour and heal masculinity. It's here to remind us that if we can be and/or find THE MAN we will push through this great shadow and find plenitude.
This was written in the beautiful shadow companion, the Two Jaguar, reading coming later in the forum. Take a peak at what's cooking for then coming days and weeks in this trecena's Vlog entry.