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9 Keej


If we decolonize our souls, minds and bodies, we may get out of the dis-ease paradigm, but we will still encounter, health-wise, the struggle. Every creature does, life is not a given, it is the quest for well-being and the encounter of dual forces of contraction and expansion that, at points, takes us to extremes, demands adaptation and can cause suffering and pain. Deer most of the times becomes the mediator and healer that balances the elements, offers himself to cushion the forces and make it all so gentle and blissful. But he too, placed in a storm, in an underworld energy, will struggle.

It is an important part of life and of the process. With out it, growth would not occur. Remember this each time your body struggles with the time, with the situation, with the demands of life, even if you are being well oriented, health conscious and organized. Struggle will appear as it is part of the cycle, as taught by today. Orient your thoughts with this knowledge when your body struggles, and you will evolve stronger.


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