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8 Tz'i


The heirs of a pre-diluvian civilization spawned a time of paradise on earth. Balance was the law and love the light. Naturality, diversity, flow and abundance was in harmony with intelligence and creativity, knowledge and its constructive use. Some temples rose to spread the love, draw attention, gather everyone and organize societies for the betterment of everything. The feathered serpent became the symbol, the entity that represented the evolution of the unorganized into organized and planned human communities. Its principle was unconditional love and this love required acceptance.

As it's natural, the sun shines and living beings take it, their gathering around produce shadows, and some fall in them and don't receive as much light as others. As is natural, a great good will produce an evil to challenge it. Love accepts the challenge and accepts evil. From this acceptance, gods and servants of the gods of darkness rose to great powers and great following.

In 1520 in Tenochtitlan, the feathered serpent legacy had survived and was the centerpiece of the temple monumental zone. Four layers high, it was one of the smallest pyramids, and was the only circled one, with a perishable hay roof on top. In front of it sat the massive Templo Mayor, a dual temple dedicated to the god of intent Huitzilopochtli and Tlaloc, the god of rain. Every day the Quetzalcoatl priest would exit his small temple and see the bulky temple in front where human sacrifices were held (not in the way it was told by the Spanish) and where the imposition of the flowered wars came. Tezcatlipoca, the smoking mirror, enemy of Quetzalcoatl, had disguised himself as Huitzilopochtli and brought this great civilization to an end, as they would be completely unable to be resilient to a true, unmasked evil that soon came to end it all.

I let it sit, strain it and examine this acceptance over and over. Today I get the message, for our small lives, to have it, to make it the way. That was what Quetzalcoatl did, he accepted the great evil growing in front of him. When you have a family member that is negative, mistaken, you accept him/her. The way to flow around and not be obliterated by all the negative things spewing out of a technocratic system is to know them and accept them to be there. Yes we shall avoid being taken over, controlled, robbed and mistreated by it. And we will, and yet we will accept it being there. It's until the hurt kid finally feels accepted and accepts his/her fate that he/she can heal his/her inner wounds and stops bullying. We've come a long way for this to just quit.


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