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8 Kemee


If everyone is just saying and doing what is in their best personal interest, putting out their intentions and making that the reality, then who is doing what is best for all, and who that is alive is doing what is in the interest of those who are not alive, without a body, but are here too? For our best interest we will find a fortuneteller, that will tell us what we want to hear, and maybe guide us in the path to our best interest. But that is not a medium.

A medium is maybe someone that we avoid at all costs. He might tell us what we don't want to hear. But we all need it, beyond a personal best interest, there is a greater best interest. Ancestors are the best source for that knowledge and mediums are people that are willing to listen to what is outside of their own intentions. If we open to being on the path of time and evolution, we will find a medium and maybe even become one.


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