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7 Ee

Rough Road

Breezing and cruising we were, on the softness of a paved life that comfortably and speedingly was taking us to happiness. That until we learned that the destination wasn't happiness, it was slavery and disease. There we saw the option to take the other road, unpaved, curvy, rough and rocky. For some speed was too high and missed this exit. For you, if you are reading this, it's because you are seeing it right now, or are on it already.

Taking care of our body of time will not be enough to avoid pains and inconforts from the fact that we are now driving on this bumpy rough road. Taking the road was brave. The next thing is getting out of the car, and realizing that the same means of getting there is not apt for the road. There is no hurry, look around, you are back on mother earth, on the mountain, on the desert, or the forest. Sure, soon you will have nothing to eat, there is no community there, that's why you stay on the car. The only safety is knowing that you wont be predated on anymore.


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