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7 Ajmaq

Being spiritual

Just when you think you are coming to a gain, comes a loss, a big one. This loss is here to teach us about duality, how gain is achieved in both directions, towards the increase of life, growth and well-being, and towards the loss of life, shrinkage, and dis-ease. If it was only one way, it would be all material, we would be with a divinity that gives but doesn't take, and there would be no balance. Everything it takes is transformed and both give and take, are just expressions. A Wukub Ajmaq could come to teach us this, it opens a great deal of perception and wisdom, as we allow ourselves to observe both sides of the universe, the bright and the dark, and how it's not good and bad, it simply is the whirlpool of creation.

This advice in face of this energy is healing. Without it, without the invoked openness to appreciate the loss, we could suffer from self-punishment and masoquism. Today invites us to take a look at that, to find how much suffering we impose in ourselves. We will find that we are the creators of all of our loss and suffering, and we will find a silver lining where we can't just always treat ourselves like love and light. We must also find ways to spiritually balance, to create opportunities for growth via loss, for happiness via suffering, for plenitude via lack.  Be gentle on yourself for nothing is truly lost. The greatest treasure is the memory of it, it's all there will ever be.


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