Quest for truth
Everything seems so fun until you realize you are being cheated on. A new sense of existence arises, if you choose to grow. Beyond fun, there is knowing the truth. The path to find it can be fun as well, so what would the matter be? What is truth anyways? Or why does the truth matter? Why can't we just live in our fantasy and illusion world where everything is fun and good, why insist on finding the non-truth? What bounds us to this quest? Are we truly bounded to it?
We kind of are, depends. There is a limit, a code, set to your ever expanding creation. That code and limit is basically your body (and from there, the other bodies). The vessel that will shape the journey through this lifetime, is your body. Seeking to keep it well will become the truth, your biggest truth, and the means through which the quest for truth will come to be.
Quest for truth
Everything seems so fun until you realize you are being cheated on. A new sense of existence arises, if you choose to grow. Beyond fun, there is knowing the truth. The path to find it can be fun as well, so what would the matter be? What is truth anyways? Or why does the truth matter? Why can't we just live in our fantasy and illusion world where everything is fun and good, why insist on finding the non-truth? What bounds us to this quest? Are we truly bounded to it?
We kind of are, depends. There is a limit, a code, set to your ever expanding creation. That code and limit is basically your body (and from there, the other bodies). The vessel that will shape the journey through this lifetime, is your body. Seeking to keep it well will become the truth, your biggest truth, and the means through which the quest for truth will come to be.