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4 Ajmaq

Feel the pain

We must consciously learn to be and act as humans by going, sometimes, in its due measure, against our animal instincts. Our natural reaction to pain is to avoid it at all costs. When it's permanent, constant, it is good to aleviate it, since a persistent presence of it will induce more damage. However, sometimes, no matter what we do, pain comes, because it's here to teach us something.

Like any other being, we must learn to listen to what it has to say, and allow our beings and our souls to fully experience it. It's part of the flesh intense liveliness experience we chose to have. We don't want to leave this world without experiencing everything there is in it, and pain is one of those things. When you learn to allow yourself to feel and experience it, is when it best goes away.

When someone hurts you, curses you, it's because they are in pain. The best way to dissolve the curse is to feel it, feel what that person feels, and even if he doesn't deserve it, embrace him and his pain. Don't make it yours, don't ask it to stay, let it go through your attention and your time.


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