In times of abundance we will find what is scarece in our lives. Gratefulness and mindfull living in the present gets challenged with the real, natural necessity to grow, expand and get better. We shall not fall into absolute complaisence with what is and what is here. Intent must be freed, and we must find what is noble in it, not our greeds and addictions, but our real necessity to prosper, be richer, more alive, and healthier, and this is impossible to reach by ourselves. We must find our natural need to come together, for this is what has been taken from us the by the Ak Yah Toh.

In times of abundance we will find what is scarece in our lives. Gratefulness and mindfull living in the present gets challenged with the real, natural necessity to grow, expand and get better. We shall not fall into absolute complaisence with what is and what is here. Intent must be freed, and we must find what is noble in it, not our greeds and addictions, but our real necessity to prosper, be richer, more alive, and healthier, and this is impossible to reach by ourselves. We must find our natural need to come together, for this is what has been taken from us the by the Ak Yah Toh.