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11 Ak'Ab'Al

Not quite

Miracles are kind of a necessary thing. We study magic, the unseen, because we know that many things occur not by the mathematic probabilities of it occurring, or by mechanical cause and effect, but because there is a consciousness at play and a higher will power.  Life itself is the story of the improbable and impossible. When we tune into life's will power, we understand the miracles that must happen for this life, your life, this time, to be healed and things be done right.

We have put forth this intention, have done the magic, and are awaiting the miracle to happen. Not quite. Today's nawal will teach us that is not that simple, not that fast, not that easy. Seeing the first ray of light from the darkness, will not come as we expect it. We kind of like being surprised. We must first bury into full disappointment, loss and failure before we can actually see the results of our work. This transforms our psyche. This is how today plays with us.


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